Tuesday 18 March 2008

Happy birthday TLU


Today is the day when Tallinn University has a birthday. Isn't it fun??
Best thing about this is that the students of Tallinn University weren't absolutely informed about this. The public relations department who is organizing today a fancy birthday party decided that students are not welcome to the party. So they decided not to send out any message about the birthday. That is nice or what? At the same time Tallinn University is talking about problem that students of Tallinn University don't feel like a big family. And this is going to help, when you don't invite them to the birthday of university???

So about the party. I am working in Student Union so I know some things. The party is meant only for the workers of TLU and TLU's partners. All workers got an invitation to the party except the board of Student Union, who are officially workers of TLU as well. Great, students were totally left out this time. When Student Union went to talk to public relations office, they asked not to go and tell rector that student representatives are not invited. Well, we did go and after that PR department said that we can buy the tickets for 500.- EEK per person. Who is the entertainer? Rihanna? This is nuts.

Well finally we managed to get things so far that we didn't have to buy tickets, we got them for free. But still question is in my mind. Why is the birthday of Tallinn University only for workers??? Students make the university, why aren't they invited???


Karl said...

I am also a student of BFM, and thus this brings me a two-link problem. Whence the students of the 'main institutes' of TLU do not feel like a part of TLU, what should those of BFM do? Most of BFM students do not feel like a part of TLU; thanks to the secrecy of the birthday party of TLU, even the students of TLU feel left out. The celebrations of TLU's umpteenth birthday in their current form are NOT a way of bringing students together. In my opinion, a good way of celebrating a birthday of an university is to give the students a chance do dance, drink, take part in quizzes, sing Gaudeaumus (and national songs) and have a good time. Please, people running the University, give us, the students, a chance to celebrate such a nice day.

Karl Läll said...

This really is stupid - I mean okey, I can understand that some people want to have a private party and that's fine for me but I feel that it isn't too much to ask from them to just let us know - maybe put some banners around the school, really simple stuff.

opstops said...

Oh well. I'm sad that this kind of thing has happened but still I can't say that I'm surprised because this is the "normal" style of communication in our university.

Laura in PR Mundus said...

Well written, Tormis! :)
Anyways, what i wanted to say here, is that I am graduating and have stopped worrying about these things, because during my studies, nothing has really changed much - neither attitude, nor the effectiveness of communication and bla bla bla...and that birthday party wouldn't worry me much as well, because most of the foreign students do not feel as a part of BFM, not even talking about TLU! (BTW-what is TLU? :) joke)
But, my compliments to you and Karl - u at least are doin' something here! U know I was impressed by the fact that, when u were told not to go to rector, u did it!!! :) ha ha - I think this could be cool "student tactic" of tryin' to change things: everytime they do not listen to their audiences and do stupid things, we just publish it online - they feel ashamed and PR improves! :) :) :)